mycobacterium classification ppt

Posted on October 8th, 2020

0000787974 00000 n 0000494758 00000 n Massive gene decay in the leprosy bacillus. 0000520876 00000 n 0000823847 00000 n With the emergence of antibiotic resistant strains of tuberculosis, research into mycobacteria has become all the more important in combatting these modern mutants of ancient pathogens. 0000819469 00000 n 0000808875 00000 n 0000601369 00000 n 0000785935 00000 n 0000598176 00000 n 0000758431 00000 n The genome of Mycobacterium leprae is 3,268,203 base pairs long, with only 1,604 predicted protein-coding regions, and a G+C content of about 57.8%. 0000559441 00000 n In 2015, globally, almost 10 million people developed TB, and almost half a million patients suffered from its multidrug-resistant form. 0000704995 00000 n 0000025479 00000 n Social science & medicine (1982) 2005 Aug;61(4):847-59. 0000028536 00000 n 0000633589 00000 n 0000026645 00000 n 0000525261 00000 n Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the etiological agent of tuberculosis (TB), the leading cause of death due to a single infectious agent, claiming 1.7 million lives in 2016. 0000025277 00000 n 0000021528 00000 n 0000672450 00000 n 0000482493 00000 n 0000026795 00000 n

0000716538 00000 n M. tuberculosis has an unusual cell wall, with an additional layer beyond the peptodiglycan layer, which is rich in unusual lipids, glycolipids, and polysaccharides.
0000532098 00000 n 0000766815 00000 n 0000740889 00000 n Yong Kim J, Shakow A, Mate K, Vanderwarker C, Gupta R, Farmer P.Limited good and limited vision: multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and global health policy. 0000638012 00000 n 0000586416 00000 n 0000809852 00000 n 0000587540 00000 n 0000795107 00000 n 0000530877 00000 n 0000724576 00000 n 0000529181 00000 n The two diseases feed off of each other. 0000608581 00000 n 0000522933 00000 n

0000643193 00000 n 0000587794 00000 n 0000518546 00000 n 0000535590 00000 n 0000608767 00000 n 0000710610 00000 n Both leprosy and tuberculosis, caused by M. leprae and M. tuberculosis respectively, are considered chronic pathogens, causing diseases that takes months, sometimes years, to develop, and, without treatment, eventually result in a slow and excruciatingly painful death. 0000793071 00000 n 0000658079 00000 n 0000624977 00000 n 0000560065 00000 n 0000585480 00000 n 0000238868 00000 n

0000025986 00000 n 0000687503 00000 n 0000682104 00000 n 0000742615 00000 n

0000666125 00000 n 0000589142 00000 n 0000025024 00000 n 0000594071 00000 n

0000629663 00000 n 0000661065 00000 n This is causing a problem, not only because the lack of treatment is spreading the disease, but because doctors can not afford to help these people with different treatment methods. 0000595282 00000 n 0000694587 00000 n 0000549976 00000 n 0000636941 00000 n Everyone inhales NTM into the lungs; however, only a very small number of people develop NTM disease. 0000585734 00000 n 0000831008 00000 n 0000778156 00000 n 0000519908 00000 n New York State Department of Health: Disease Carriers - Bacteria: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Storrs, Eleanor E. Pandoras Box: Leprosy through the ages. 0000630375 00000 n Infectious droplet nuclei are generated when persons who have pulmonary or laryngeal TB disease cough, sneeze, shout, or sing. 0000474544 00000 n Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

0000023855 00000 n 0000679879 00000 n 0000803245 00000 n 0000025125 00000 n 0000622175 00000 n 0000671408 00000 n

0000607154 00000 n Transmission of TB. 0000599361 00000 n 0000024467 00000 n 0000820697 00000 n 0000698416 00000 n 0000632580 00000 n 0000733138 00000 n 0000516486 00000 n 0000586162 00000 n 0000800480 00000 n Morphology of Mycobacterium Leprae 2.

0000013983 00000 n 0000801684 00000 n 0000780052 00000 n 0000770406 00000 n 0000616087 00000 n 0000025631 00000 n MYCOBACTERIUM-INTRODUCTION • Mycobacterium is a genus within the order Actinomycetales that comprises a large number of well characterised species, several of which are associated with human and animal disease such as tuberculosis and leprosy. Deciphering the biology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from the complete genome sequence. 0000621932 00000 n 0000024416 00000 n 0000025783 00000 n 0000765151 00000 n 0000829385 00000 n Mycobacterium kansasii, Mycobacterium marinum, Mycobacterium asiaticum, and Mycobacterium simiae.
2 Runyon classification. 0000520558 00000 n 0000624488 00000 n

0000615854 00000 n 0000626279 00000 n 0000533776 00000 n Mycobacterium is a genus of Actinobacteria, given its own family, the Mycobacteriaceae. Most mycobacteria do not cause disease, so M. tuberculosis and M. leprae are hardly typical of the genus, and are consequently called 'wayward sons of honorable parents.' 0000569096 00000 n

0000530370 00000 n Luckily for the people disfigured by leprosy, with treatment this disfigurement can be almost entirely reversed.. Obviouslly they will not be able to grow new fingers, but the nodules that disfigure the body will disapear entirely. 0000653174 00000 n 0000523625 00000 n 0000693630 00000 n 0000819008 00000 n 0000534318 00000 n 0000812828 00000 n 0000526133 00000 n 0000586847 00000 n 0000799424 00000 n 0000628442 00000 n Of the genome of M. tuberculosis, 90.8% of the genome contains protein-coding sequences with only 6 pseudogenes, compared to the 1,116 pseudogenes on the M. leprae genome. 0000658292 00000 n 0000458537 00000 n 0000622877 00000 n 0000029148 00000 n The first three groups are classified as "Slowly growing Mycobacteria". Depending on the environment, these tiny particles can remain 0000587101 00000 n 0000023704 00000 n Mycobacterium TEM micrograph of M. tuberculosis. 0000700622 00000 n

0000746627 00000 n Currently there is a strain of tuberculosis called mutlidrug-resistant tuberculosis, or MDR-TB, which doctors in those countries will not treat. 0000623095 00000 n 0000689114 00000 n

0000522295 00000 n 0000538278 00000 n This genus includes pathogens known to cause serious diseases in mammals, including tubercu… 0000030534 00000 n

0000626068 00000 n Classification of Mycobacteria : Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Human type) causes tuberculosis in man.

The leprosy bacterium attacks facial nerves and destroys the ability to blink. 0000794037 00000 n It is also the seventh most common cause of blindness. 0000517784 00000 n The lack of myelin produced by the infected Schwann cells leads to nerve damage, and sensory loss. 0000578052 00000 n 0000737152 00000 n 0000645607 00000 n 0000629416 00000 n 0000743344 00000 n Mycobacterium regina_estrella_14. 0000698198 00000 n 0000666311 00000 n 0000025428 00000 n 0000718672 00000 n 0000529625 00000 n 0000686309 00000 n Mycobacterium tuberculosis •Acid fast aerobic rod •Multi-lobate colony morphology •24-30 hour doubling time •Member of the tuberculosis complex Long History of Tuberculosis •2400 BC: tubercular decay in spine of Egyptian mummy •460 BC: Hippocrates identifies “consumption” as “most 0000569890 00000 n 0000024110 00000 n 0000027472 00000 n 0000024973 00000 n 0000532932 00000 n

0000531067 00000 n 0000024008 00000 n 0000816396 00000 n What Leprosy does to the face and eyes. 0000026187 00000 n 0000659697 00000 n 0000739819 00000 n J.B. Payeur, in Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology (Second Edition), 2014.

0000618840 00000 n

Lepromatous leprosy is the more contagious form, in which the body is unable to mount a resistance, and the bacterium freely multiplies in the skin, causing nodules to appear all over the body and face. 0000024212 00000 n 0000527700 00000 n Infectious droplet nuclei are generated when persons who have pulmonary or laryngeal TB disease cough, sneeze, shout, or sing. This most often affects the fingers and toes which are now fragile and injury prone, and often become mutilated and fall off. The infection is very slow to develop, taking anywhere from six months to ten years. Mycobacterium marinum is a photochromogen and produces a …

This leaves the eyes susceptible to infection which ultimately leads to blindness. Runyon IV organisms are rapid growing for mycobacteria (colonies in 5 days). 0000023405 00000 n

0000738823 00000 n The Runyon classification of nontuberculous mycobacteria based on the rate of growth, production of yellow pigment and whether this pigment was produced in the dark or only after exposure to light. Some people are at higher risk of getting an NTM infection and developing disease.

Mycobacterium avium complex.

0000625236 00000 n 0000814783 00000 n 0000662026 00000 n 0000023553 00000 n It also infects the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, creating a rather disturbing physique. 0000768059 00000 n 0000521597 00000 n 0000013824 00000 n is carried in airborne particles, called droplet nuclei, of 1– 5 microns in diameter.

0000810843 00000 n 0000024518 00000 n 0000675307 00000 n 0000620920 00000 n 0000688888 00000 n 0000707956 00000 n 0000458720 00000 n Antigenic Structure 4. 0000622400 00000 n 0000736726 00000 n 0000816641 00000 n ISBN: 978-1-904455-40-0, From MicrobeWiki, the student-edited microbiology resource, The foot of a woman who has been grossly disfigured by leprosy. If all the genes on the M. leprae genome were active, it would have about 3,000 open reading frames, compared to the 4,000 proteins of M. tuberculosis. 0000825076 00000 n 0000025834 00000 n 0000536609 00000 n Tuberculosis sets up camp in the lungs of its host, where it, for the most part, coexists with its host while lazily following its daily division routine, yet causing no outward symptoms, but rather just accumulating numbers in order to launch its assault on its unsuspecting host. 0000730835 00000 n 0000528237 00000 n 0000531839 00000 n

0000667272 00000 n 0000644593 00000 n 0000024314 00000 n

0000026544 00000 n 0000613702 00000 n 0000731650 00000 n 0000023504 00000 n 0000598400 00000 n Over 250,000 people are blind today because of a leprosy related eye problem. Mycobacterium tuberculosis • Fungus like bacteria: filamentous forms resembling fungal mycelium, acid fast, aerobic, non motile, non capsulated & non sporing • Morphology: 2-3um x 0.4 um, straight or slightly curved rods with rounded ends, branching & filamentous forms , beaded, arranged singly or in small clumps, 5.

0000526241 00000 n 0000815986 00000 n 0000760405 00000 n 0000604011 00000 n Two of the oldest recognized pathogens, tuberculosis and leprosy have been plaguing mankind since the first stages of domestication some 10,000 years ago. 2001.

0000517690 00000 n 0000625652 00000 n 0000028563 00000 n 0000026391 00000 n 0000587637 00000 n 1998. 0000682946 00000 n 0000639056 00000 n 0000760832 00000 n 0000714111 00000 n 0000519155 00000 n

0000550015 00000 n

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