amazonite stone

Posted on October 8th, 2020

L’amazonite procure l’apaisement, notamment lorsqu’il s’agit du sentiment de frustration. Composition chimique : silicate double d’aluminium et de potasse, KAISi3O8, Système cristallin : Triclinique, prismatique, Gisements : Afrique du Sud, Brésil, Colorado, Inde, Russie, Couleurs : Bleu verdâtre pâle à bleu turquoise clair. Amazonite, also known as Amazonstone, is a green tectosilicate mineral, a variety of the potassium feldspar called microcline. Truly Amazonite is one the best stones you can have by your side!

Elle favorise l’absorption du calcium et se révèle d’une très grande aide pour lutter contre l’ostéoporose et les caries. In case you haven’t reached that stage yet, don’t worry.

[9], Amazonite is a mineral of limited occurrence.
La pierre amazonite favorise le traitement des troubles liés à la sexualité, que sont la vaginite, le manque de désir, le priapisme, l’obsession ou encore l’impuissance. The color and luster should be bright and intense. It will bring you lots of joy and happiness.

Cabochon is the most popular shape. C’est une pierre qui est très sensible aux pressions. This unique property makes the gemstone quite in demand among jewelry designers. This stone is also known as the Amazon Stone. Please consider supporting my work on Patreon! Amazonite is a trade name for the green or blue colored gemstone, microcline. It will help you find comfort and happiness in your relationship. It’s also been known to help with calcium deficiency, tooth decay, and osteoporosis. This stone will also invite you to be more nurturing and loving, more honest and more optimistic. Chez les Babyloniens, l’amazonite était à l’origine de tout y compris les dieux, grâce à son union avec le dieu des eaux douces. It’s all about believing in love even after all the bad things that happened. If you have always been a woman of few words, this stone will greatly improve your communication.

Celtisme : Elle représente l’Au-delà merveilleux du monde visible. It has a calming effect on the spirit.

Amazonite will make you appreciate yourself more, as well as the people in your life. Amazonite jewelry are one of the most beautiful and elegant jewelry you will ever see. They are priced more than the synthetic and treated gemstones. The surface of the gem should be bright and shiny.

Amazonite healing properties can help with lung, chest, sinus, and throat problems. Amazonite stone has the strangest but most welcome influence on your mind. This stone will help boost your self-esteem and your self-love. Son action filtrante s’applique aussi sur le plan émotionnel : L'amazonite pierre naturelle dissipe les énergies et les pensées négatives et l’irritation. [15] A 1985 study suggest that the blue-green color results from quantities of lead and water in the feldspar.

Remember the old adage, cooler heads prevail? Avoid wearing it while engaging in strenuous physical activities, and put them in a separate jewelry box to avoid it scratching against your other jewelry. We would all like a little more of the finer things in life, right? Tous droits réservés. Elle permet de calmer les problèmes de peau, et limiterait les ampoules et les boutons si elle est passée sur la peau avec soin et tact. Deep lustrous crystal of amazonite, from Take 5 Claim, Crystal Peak, Teller County, Colorado (size: 4.4 x 4 x 3.5 cm). It may be the verbal or the non-verbal kind, but you will definitely be expressing yourself with more freedom and confidence!

It will work on your metabolism and promote good and deep sleep.

Similarly, the cost of Amazonite increases with the luster and the brightness of the color. Kievlenko (1980), updated, "Amazonite: Amazonite mineral information and data", "The Geochemical Effect of Lanthanides: Its Types and Application for Magmatic Rocks—A New Method to Semi-Quantitatively Determine Strength of Magmatic Fluid Complexation and Fractional Crystallization", "A spectroscopic study of irradiation coloring of amazonite; structurally hydrous, Pb-bearing feldspar",, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from August 2019, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 October 2020, at 09:57.

It’s one of the reasons why people who love to gamble bring this stone along when they play. For cleaning, only mild soapy water should be used. Bustamite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Ammolite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Wavellite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, White Topaz: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Malachite: Meaning, Properties and Powers.

This stone will make sure that your yin and yang energies are in harmony as well. Lorsqu’elle est appliquée sur le chakra de la gorge, l’amazonite offre la douceur et la sincérité dans les échanges amoureux. Amazonite crystals on orthoclase, from Konso, SNNPR, Ethiopia. Just one look, one gesture, or one smile is all you need and they will know right away what you’re trying to tell them. This is likely because of how Amazonite is so wonderful at encouraging the positive energies within us, and mobilizing those to the surface for us to enjoy. Taking your time over big decisions, avoiding impulse spending and even having a longer-term perspective on your finances and how to shore up for a rainy day all seems a little easier when the energies of Amazonite are around. You just need to go through the bad parts so that you will better appreciate that person when the good stuff finally happens to you! En poursuivant votre navigation, vous autorisez l'utilisation de cookies à des fins analytiques et d'amélioration fonctionnelle. This stone will remind you that your wealth can grow not just by accumulating more wealth, but by making practical choices and purchases to save money. It will take away the cobwebs of confusion from your mind. It ranges in hue from bright verdigris green to paler shades of turquoise, sometimes with white, yellow or grey portions, and can be translucent to opaque. Good color offers a harmonious look to Amazonite jewelry. The most common color is bluish green, while pure green is very rare. Cependant, des études viennent contrer cette analyse puisquil semblerait que lamazonite nait jamais existé dans ce fleuve et quil sagissait ni plus ni moins que dune confusion avec un autre minéral. Amazonite is best paired with other throat chakra stones. A kinder, more understanding, and more compassionate perspective. It was first described as a distinct mineral only in the 18th century. It’ll help ground you and provide clarity of thought. No one wants to be around a Negative Nancy after all. The anti-anxiety medication of the crystal world, the Amazonite is a powerful heart chakra stone, helping to release toxic emotions when placed on the chest in a healing layout. Cambodge, Grèce, Inde, Japon et Musulmans : L’Amazonite est l’île primordiale, le centre spirituel. This stone is actually great when it comes to non-verbal expression. It makes sense that many light workers and faith healers have turned to Amazonite consistently as a meditation aid. They will also look sensational for brooches, cufflinks, or tie tacks.

It can attract money, good luck, and good fortune! It will also work on calming all your chakras. En Égypte, l’amazonite était utilisée dans la joaillerie (comme l’atteste la bague scarabée retrouvée dans le tombeau de Toutankhamon) et pour ses vertus que l’on peut retrouver à travers une plaque d’amazonite gravée de quelques lignes de textes sur le livre des morts. Amazonite will also encourage you to trust in your intuition. Lorsqu’elle s’applique sur le chakra du cœur, l’amazonite offre la certitude de tendresse envers la personne aimée. Amazonite is also about embracing love with open arms. L’amazonite une pierre possédant une puissante action filtrante. Any color shade of the stone may not be evenly spread throughout the surface.

Amazonite will also remove any trace of negativity in your system. You need to be careful about cheap imitations and synthesized stones as well. The stone’s name is derived from the largest river in South America, which is the Amazon river. It will also show you how you can keep this joy and happiness in your life for good. Amazonite jewelry may not be ideal for everyday wear, but with proper care and maintenance, they will last you a very long time. Amazonite is also known as the stone of hope, which means that you must never lose hope in love or in the person you love just because it’s hard right now. Its name is taken from that of the Amazon River, from which green stones were formerly obtained, though it is unknown whether those stones were amazonite. L’amazonite renforce le système immunitaire et permet de soulager les problèmes liés au cholestérol, au triglycéride, à l’hépatique et aux reins. It has been around for centuries, and it has been widely used to make statues, amulets, and jewelry. If you wish to have a more mature and more graceful way to express your emotions, you can pair your Amazonite with pink tourmaline, rhodochrosite, opal, or aventurine. If you have concerns about your physical or mental health then you should immediately contact a qualified medical professional. Support us on Patreon and get personal crystal advice! Because of its resemblance to Jade, Amazonite is also sometimes called Pikes Peak or Colorado Jade. Amazonite will help you achieve clarity of mind, together with Moonstone. Amazonite is a good stone to have when you need to express something to someone you love. Origine du nom : Découverte pour la première fois sur le site du fleuve Amazone. Elle permet de renforcer le comportement féminin, tout en calmant les ardeurs. L'amazonite … It will make you see the world from a different perspective. It’s a great stone for anyone who is passionate about artistic pursuits.

Your Amazonite stone will make sure that your heart will not become a heart of stone.

This will keep your vibrational energies very clear and light, making positive energies easily attracted to you! Liked it? Amazon Jade is the name commonly used to mislead unsuspecting buyers.

Jewelry boxes lined with soft cloth or cotton must be used for storing them. De leur côté, les Indiens Navajo associaient cette pierre à Estsanatlehi, déesse à l’origine de la création de l’humanité. [6], Green and greenish-blue varieties of potassium feldspars which are predominantly triclinic are designated Amazonite is considered a lucky ‘Hope Stone’. Cette pierre lutte contre la perte de cheveux et offre leur réparation. Amazonite, also called Amazon Jade or Amazon Stone, is a green to blue-green variety of Microcline, a Feldspar mineral that forms in short prismatic or tabular crystals or in masses. Cette pierre de couleur verte rendait honneur aux guerrières amazones et symbolise à cet effet le courage. Feldspar is a very useful material as it can be used in making glassware, pottery, paint filler, buildings, and, as in the case of amazonite, gemstones. And of course, they each have a tale to tell, often with a spiritual angle. For some people, the sheer aesthetic appeal of the stone does plenty to inspire financial ambition.

Just remember to use warm water and mild soap when cleaning them. Sometimes it’s the little inconsequential things that will make you blow your top. It will give you back the confidence in your abilities, and it will soothe all your chakras.

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