is superintelligence possible

Posted on October 8th, 2020

Only in our subjective experiences of conviction, in our subjective faith, can we be ‘absolutely certain. ( Log Out /  This is not something you can just dismiss as a philosophical question. In principle, you could make us out of other materials. No non-human animal has that capacity, and that’s the big difference between human consciousness and animal sentience. Treniņi un fiziska piepūle neprasa laiku. Šeit visu var saprast, nelietojot ilūzijas. I hope they are. The human is still in the loop. And what about the computer? They’ll be able to read a map and drive a car and other weird things like that while the rest of us are simply disabled in those regards. “Anyone who thinks that an economy can be expanded forever, within the confines of a finite planet, is either a madman or an economist”. Ar apātiju pret politiku mēs maksājam ar to, ka valsti pārvalda negodīgi cilvēki.

Savas definīcijas pievienoju beigās. Turning Watson into an actual autonomous agent would be the work of many person-centuries of work, and nobody even knows how to do it yet. Ar nepilnīgām smadzenēm apveltīti radījumi, kas lūkojas Visuma bezgalībā. Es iešu caur dzīvi tikai vienreiz. No, absolutely not. Jo apziņa ir jaunradusies īpašība (emergent property), kuru šodien neviens nevar ieprogrammēt – pašlaik mēs nezinām, kā to darīt. We’re certainly in some sense in the situation of having to give them rather a large amount of our trust. It may not change our lives completely in the next twenty years, but in the next 200 years it’s probably going to transform everything. We don’t receive wisdom, we must discover it for ourselves after a journey through the wilderness, which no one else can make for us, which no one can spare us. Everyone takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world. Filosofiska spriedelēšana te nelīdzēs. Some of your best friends in the future could be robots.

Nitrogen, which makes up most of the atmosphere, is not energetically stable.

– Peter McWilliams, Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Reproduction of materials found on this site, in any form, without explicit permission is prohibited. Jo mazāk zina, jo vienkāršāk dzīvot. I do not like the future that is populated by millions and millions of old folks who are settling for an artificial companion that is a fake in most important regards. Thinking is very upsetting, it tells us things we should rather not know. Some pretty amazing minds have been in there. For questions of safety and human survival, what’s really going to matter is what those systems can do. Reliģija bez zinātnes ir akla, bet zinātne bez reliģijas ir mazefektīva. Give a child science first, and when she discovers religion it will look silly. – Cicero, It’s always helpful to learn from your mistakes because then your mistakes seem worthwhile. He is the author of a dozen books, including Consciousness Explained, and, most recently, From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds; John Brockman, moderator, is a cultural impresario whose career has encompassed the avant-garde art world, science, books, software, and the Internet. Do not regret growing older. But still, those hundred billion minds put together are just the tiniest corner of this space of possible minds. Mēs nespēsim šīs sistēmas vadīt, ja tās nesapratīsim. [ED. Mēs zinām, ka cilvēcīgu vērtību skalu cilvēki izveido pēc bagātas izglītības un pieredzes saņemšanas. Once these systems have autonomy, that is, the ability to act and achieve their goals, that puts an enormous responsibility on us as the creators of the AI to get the objective function right, to make sure our systems are maximizing the right objective function.

Voltērs, Cilvēki domā, ka viņi ir brīvi, bet tā ir liela kļūda.

It’s going to go the other way around. Thank you so much to John and to Janna for putting this event together. Savas definīcijas pievienoju beigās. Some of your best friends in the future could be robots. Maybe. The happiness is only apparent and not real. Nežēlo laiku draudzībai – tas ir ceļš uz laimi.

— Mark Twain, Not only will men of science have to grapple with the sciences that deal with man, but — and this is a far more difficult matter — they will have to persuade the world to listen to what they have discovered.

We’re going to figure out what goals we want to install, and we’re going to put in Asimov’s rules. Klervotera, Nesteidzies, neraizējies. ” — Theodore Roosevelt, ‘One death is a tragedy, a million a statistic.’ Josef Stalin, I have just realized that the stakes are myself. I’m not sure that consciousness would be required for this. In elder care, there will be good market reasons for Disneyfying AI to a very great extent because old folks will want to have a companion, not just somebody that brushes their teeth and gets them fed and so forth. Ž.Ž. Turn every challenge into an opportunity, because opportunities open up for the prepared. We will not be in control, so we will be setting in motion something where the amount of autonomy the systems have will not be up to us. How artificial intelligence can be illogical.

Chaz Bufe, Kad tehnikas spēki pārspēj morālos, tad mēs nonākam pie vadāmām raķetēm un nevadāmiem cilvēkiem.

CHALMERS:  He talks about humans being treated like machines. This is a much more limited form of autonomy. Once you’ve got systems with human level autonomy, then you want to get that objective function just right. ( Log Out /  Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils. We’ve had a limited expansion of the space of actual minds to include some minds that we’ve designed, but so far it’s only the smallest of expansions. No, almost certainly not on its own.

We don’t want that much autonomy. So, with apologies for being late getting to the party, here's my two cents. Nekādu milzīgu, nepārvaramu grūtību šeit nav. Why? Artūrs Konan-doils. Svētīgi tie garā vājie kā rasotas pļavas miglotiem prātiem, Ralfs Waldo Emersons. Is there no middle ground (agent programs that presume explicitly represented goals in the real world)? Ja savas kļūdas nelabo, tā ir vājuma pazīme. Montesquieu, (Charles Louis de Secondat) (1689-1755), I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

Tieši tāpat, kā nespējam vadīt cilvēkus, kurus nesaprotam. Tiem, kas nezina, kas ir mīlestība, nav vērts teikt – tāpat nesapratīs. We’re robots made of robots made of robots. The most popular articles on Simplicable in the past day. —Thomas Paine, 1796, Freedom is the right not to lie. Marcel Proust. Vinstons Čērčils. kerry, Philosophy of science is about as useful to scientists as ornithology is to birds.

If the systems are conscious, then at least they enter into the moral sphere. And it played chess, though not very well. He is best known for his work on consciousness, including his formulation of the “hard problem” of consciousness; Daniel C. Dennett is University Professor and Austin B. Fletcher Professor of Philosophy and director of the Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University. Dāgs Hammerskjelds, Mums pietiek cilvēku, kas mums stāsta, kā ir. George Lakoff. That’s my attitude towards AI. Nežēlo laiku smiekliem – tā ir dvēseles mūzika. We are terribly confused by the mere fact of our existence, and a danger to ourselves and to the rest of life. Almost two-thirds of the global wildlife population has disappeared since 1970, More than one billion people face displacement by 2050. Taking care of elderly folks who can’t take care of themselves is not a good life for a regular human being. That’s false advertising.

Even more, what worries me is that we will for the very best of reasons turn over our responsibility for making major decisions to artificial intelligences that are not conscious and not super, they’re just very intelligent tools that are great fabrics of pattern recognition and so forth. When Children Protest, Adults Should Tell them the Truth, The Next Financial Crisis Is Not Far Away. Onorē De Balzaks. E.M. the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. Did psychology solve the mind-body problem? I don’t go anywhere without consulting the Internet at least five or ten times in the process. Marlene Dietrich.

Leyton M. If you look at the work of the ethologists (people who study animal behaviour) the most striking result to me is that all species develop behaviour patterns appropriate to their life styles and evolutionary niches in which they evolve. It will therefore be able to design an AI that is, one way or another, better than itself.

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