afb staining

Posted on October 8th, 2020

Heat the stain …

A sputum stain for Mycobacteria is a laboratory test performed on a sample of your sputum, or phlegm. Acid is used to dec… Place a small strip of blotting or filter paper over the top of the specimen, and place the slide over a boiling hot water bath on a mesh surface. Allow smear to air dry and then heat fix. Staining by carbol fuchsin is further enhanced by steam heating the preparation to melt the wax and allow the stain to move into the cell.

It’s also known as an acid-fast bacillus (AFB) stain or a tuberculosis (TB) smear.

Most samples that are submitted for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) testing are collected because the healthcare practitioner suspects that a person has tuberculosis (TB), a … An AFB culture can positively confirm a diagnosis of TB or other infection. Procedure of Acid-Fast Stain Prepare bacterial smear on clean and grease free slide, using sterile technique. But it takes 6–8 weeks to grow enough bacteria to detect an infection. Prepare and fix the specimen smear prior to staining. Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) method of Acid Fast staining technique is used to stain Mycobacterium species including M. tuberculosis, M. ulcerans, and M. leprae and nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM). Cover the filter paper with the primary stain, carbolfuchsin. In this test, your sample is taken to a lab and put in a special environment to encourage the growth of bacteria. Therefore, AFB staining is useful for Mycobacterium tuberculosis , an etiological agent of tuberculosis. Principle of AFB Staining Presence of higher alcohol, glycerol, fatty acid and especially mycolic acid in the cell wall have been found responsible for keeping the acid-fast property of bacteria. The test involves adding a staining dye to a bacterial culture, which is then washed in an acid solution. The phenolic compound carbol fuchsin is used as the primary stain because it is lipid soluble and penetrates the waxy cell wall. Organisms such as Mycobacteria are extremely difficult to stain by ordinary methods like Gram Stain because of the high lipid content of the cell wall. Alcohol-fixation: This is recommended when the smear has not been prepared... Cover the smear with carbol fuchsin stain.

AFB culture. Leave the slide on the water bath for 3 …

•AFB Smear Microscopy: Microscopic examination of specially stained smears to detect acid-fast organisms such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis and non- tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM)

Detection of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in stained and acid-washed smears examined microscopically may provide the initial bacteriologic evidence of the presence of mycobacteria in a …

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