is a scarlet macaw endangered

Posted on November 17th, 2021

documents in the last year, by the State Department to define the prohibitions and exceptions that apply to scarlet macaws listed as threatened. 16-17). Scarlet macaws in Mesoamerica maintain a high level of genetic diversity, but because of the few populations and the small numbers in each of the populations, and their virtual isolation from other populations due to deforestation, they remain vulnerable to extirpation and extinction. 2004, p. II-6). 2013, entire). The scarlet macaw was widespread in Honduras, occurring in the arid lowlands of the Pacific slope and the interior below 1,100 m (3,609 ft), as well as in the Caribbean lowland rainforest (Monroe 1968, p. 139). the official SGML-based PDF version on, those relying on it for The Service may issue permits to allow import of listed birds for scientific research, zoological breeding or display, cooperative breeding, or personal pet purposes, when the applicant meets certain criteria (50 CFR 15.22-15.25). We assessed the conservation needs of the scarlet macaw in light of the broad protections provided to the species under CITES and the WBCA. 2011, p. 355). Between 2011 and 2018, 37 scarlet macaws were released at this site (Ara Project 2017, unpaginated). Our Response: The fact that scarlet macaws consume nonnative species does not change our determination that A. m. cyanoptera is in danger of extinction because of the extent of the decline in the range and numbers of Ara macao cyanoptera due to ongoing habitat destruction and degradation, poaching for the pet trade, the lack of enforcement of existing regulatory mechanisms addressing these threats, and the small population sizes that work in combination with the other threats. These stunning birds live for approximately 60 years. In January 2016, FCD signed an extended agreement of cooperation with Asociación Balam for the protection of the Chiquibul ecosystem for the period 2016-2020. 2010, p. 6; Brightsmith in litt. 2008, pp. We understand that listing the scarlet macaw will have an effect on those involved in the pet bird industry, especially bird breeders. One population occurs in the upper Rio Uxpanapa region near San Francisco La Paz in Oaxaca (Inigo-Elias 1996, pp. ツゥ, Share your thoughts on this article, and others, on our, REVERSING AMERICA’S WILDLIFE CRISIS REPORT, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Australian 窶惑irehawks窶� use fire to catch prey, Bears in Asheville are heavier and having cubs earlier than rural bears, Study finds coronavirus spilling over from humans to deer, Report documents wolf attacks around the world, White-tailed deer can get coronavirus but show mild symptoms, California condors don窶冲 need mates to breed, USFWS proposes changes to Mexican gray wolf management. Within the tri-national region of southern Mexico, northern Guatemala, and Belize, the species occurs in three small populations or subpopulations: (1) In the Usamacinto watershed in eastern Chiapis, Mexico, located in the Lacandon forest that is within the Maya Forest, which is the largest remaining expanse of tropical rainforest in the Americas (The Nature Conservancy 2018, unpaginated), and includes the Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve (approximately 3,000 km2 (1,158 mi2), several smaller protected areas, and the municipality of Maques de Commillas (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 2012a, unpaginated; McReynolds 2011, in litt. Thus, the general prohibitions on import and export contained in 50 CFR 17.31, which extend only within the jurisdiction of the United States, would not regulate such activities. Overall, the scarlet macaw is generally considered common and widespread over much of its range in the Amazon (Hilty 2003, p. 327; Angehr et al. This continues to provide needed protections while allowing for interstate commerce and the import and export of certain captive-bred birds provided the requirements of the Wild Bird Conservation Act and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) are met. ; McGinley et al. Our Response: The decision to list a species under the Act is based on whether the species meets the definition of an endangered or threatened species as defined under section 3 of the Act and is made solely on the basis of the best scientific and commercial data available. After publishing the proposed rule, we found additional information that had become available since the publication of the proposed rule and reviewed information that was submitted by the public, including studies from a species expert and conservation organizations within the scarlet macaw's range countries. Similarly, the data indicate that deforestation is not impacting the scarlet macaw in Panama where it currently occurs. Prior to the implementation of the community patrols, eggs and chicks from every known nest were poached. A similar situation to unregulated hunting exists for the capture and sale of live animals to supply the pet trade, research institutions, and zoological collections. Our location is one of the few places in Belize the scarlet macaws can be seen. In Panama, we are aware of little information on the magnitude and extent of deforestation and forest degradation on the mainland, although the scarlet macaw was described as almost extinct from mainland Panama. We are not aware of the release methods or if this program takes into account the IUCN guidelines and White et al. A reservation means that a country is treated as not a party to CITES with respect to the species concerned. Seventy-seven scarlet macaws were released in 1997; as of 2002, almost 90 percent of the released birds were still alive (Dear et al. Cumulative mortality rates before parrots reach customers have been estimated to be as high as 77 percent; for nestlings, approximately 80 percent died before reaching a pet store (Inigo and Ramos 1991 and Enkerlin 2000, in Cantu-Guzman et al. The WCS has worked to reduce poaching, protect nesting sites from deforestation, monitor nesting success and distribution, construct artificial nests, provide environmental education in local communities, and create a captive-release program (WCS 2016, pp. Currently, the scarlet macaw occurs in relatively small and fragmented populations within Mesoamerica; most populations in this region are believed to contain approximately 100 to 700 individuals, with only two populations potentially containing more than 1,000 individuals. The Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao cyanoptera), the largest parrot species in Belize, is locally endangered due to poaching and listed as a species of high conservation concern in the Wildlife Protection Act of While the Act does not prohibit intrastate (within a state) sale of a listed species, it does prohibit interstate (between states) commercial sale, unless a buyer obtains a permit. The northern subspecies of the parrot has been listed as endangered and a distinct population segment (DPS) of the southern subspecies (A. m. macao) as threatened. Sadly, it disappeared from the wild in 2000 because of deforestation and shifting agriculture practices. 2015, unpaginated). The status of all macaw species in the wild are of concern.Large numbers were exported to the United States and Europe the beginning of the 20th century. documents in the last year, by the Fish and Wildlife Service 256-257; Hayes 2007, pp. Macaw Species. As highly social animals, scarlet macaws are rarely alone in the wild. In Costa Rica, the best places to view them are in Corcovado National Park on . Considering Palenque and Los Tuxtlas together, the population of scarlet macaws in Mexico has increased up to 82 percent in 3 years (Rodriguez 2016, unpaginated; Lopez 2018, unpaginated). Fish and Wildlife Service. The scarlet macaw is included in Appendix I of CITES, a treaty that contributes to the conservation of the species by regulating international trade and ensuring that trade in Appendix-I species is not detrimental to the survival of the species. A massive reduction occurred in the number of wild-caught parrots imported to the United States, both from Central and South America and the rest of the world, following the enactment of the WBCA (Pain et al. 9-14) (see Tables 2a and 2b, below). Estimates from Belize vary from 60 to 219 individuals, but based on field observations in 2009, the current Belize population is estimated at 200 individuals (McReynolds 2011, in litt., unpaginated). 2007, pp. However, this estimate was based on the assumption that all the chicks reported as poached by Portillo Reyes et al. 49, 54- 56; Baal 2005, unpaginated; Parker et al. 2011, p. 354). New Documents 2003, p. 10). The scarlet macaw was first described in 1758, by Linnaeus (Collar 1997, p. 421; Wiedenfeld 1994, p. 99). 404, 406). Fish and Wildlife Service has supported this effort with several grants, and to date 132 macaws have been reintroduced into the biosphere reserve in six release events, aiming to bolster the wild population of macaws. On April 7, 2016, we published a revised proposed rule (81 FR 20302) maintaining the proposed endangered status for A. m. cyanoptera, but (1) revising the proposed listing determination for the northern DPS of the southern subspecies (A. m. macao) from endangered to threatened; and (2) proposing to treat the southern DPS of A. m. macao and subspecies crosses as threatened based on similarity of appearance to A. m. cyanoptera and the northern DPS of A. m. macao. Macaws are the largest parrots in the world — the body of the scarlet macaw from beak to tail can be as long as 33 inches. Such documentation may include copies of receipts, accession or veterinary records, CITES documents, or wildlife declaration forms, which must be dated prior to the specified dates. Thus, deforestation in combination with other negative impacts can have profound effects and potentially reduce a species' effective population (the proportion of the actual population that contributes to future generations) by orders of magnitude (Gilpin and Soulé 1986, p. 31). The scarlet macaw subspecies (Ara macao cyanoptera and A. m. macao) in Mesoamerica are significantly impacted by deforestation in many countries in this region, which comprises less than 17 percent of the species' range. Poachers and Protectors: The Story of Scarlet Macaws in Honduras puts a spotlight on the wildlife trafficking crisis in Latin America, and introduces us to some of the heroes who are willing to risk it all for these iconic birds. 2012, entire). The scarlet macaw was once described as almost extinct on the mainland of Panama, but abundant and occurring in substantial numbers on Isla Coiba, which once was a penal colony where settlement and most hunting was prohibited (Ridgely 1981, p. 253). Comment (8): A few commenters questioned our decision in the revised proposed rule to change the northern DPS of the southern subspecies of scarlet macaw (A. m. macao) from endangered to threatened. 135-137). 622-623; Lloyd 2004, pp. The general consensus is that the scarlet macaw's range is going to become hotter and drier; however, the scarlet macaw is tolerant of a relatively broad range of ecological conditions. It is administered by the Forest Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment (Government of Belize 2010, p. 29). MORE ON THE AMAZING SCARLET MACAW. The scarlet macaw occurs widely in the Guianas, which includes Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana (Juniper and Parr 1998, p. 425), although the species may be uncommon in the vicinity of settlements (Forshaw 1989, p. 407). Scarlet macaws are raucous communicators, emitting harsh “rrahhh” vocalizations that other birds can hear from several miles away. 2009, pp. The scarlet macaw is protected by both this important U.S. conservation law and the international conservation agreement. In Nicaragua, capture of parrots for the pet trade is described as common (Herrera 2004, p. 1). Historically, scarlet macaws in Costa Rica experienced heavy poaching pressure. 9-14); the remaining forest is fragmented and includes few large tracts of forest habitat (Bray 2010, pp. Their strong, flexible toes are used like hands to grasp nuts or a perch. Nonetheless, sport and commercial hunting without regulation and subsistence hunting in the country continue. Major forest reserves have been degraded from their original condition. Suriname's wildlife export quotas are reported to be “realistic” in that they are based on the belief that larger parrots cannot sustain large harvests (Duplaix 2001, pp. The average weight is about 1 kilogram (2.2 lb). that agencies use to create their documents. 3-4; Brightsmith 2005, p. 297; Vaughan et al. 24-28; Bauch et al. 2000, p. 98). 2003, entire). The President of the United States manages the operations of the Executive branch of Government through Executive orders. They have large curved bills and a featherless area around their face, and their eyes are either light yellow (for adults) or grey (for juveniles). Please see our analysis of those entities and the factors affecting their status below. LC Status. Overall, the agency estimated a total scarlet macaw population of between 20,000 and 50,000 birds, mostly in the Amazon. Over 75 scarlet macaws have been released into the wild at this site (Tiskita Jungle Lodge 2018, unpaginated). 2. 2010, p. 8); and 60 km (37 mi) from the core of the ACOPAC population. 153-160; Matuzak et al. Most of the data on hunting has not been published or systematically organized to indicate the magnitude or intensity of local and national hunting pressures (CECON-PROBIOMA 2005, in Tolisano and Lopez-Selva 2010, p. 44). We use the existing information and are not required to develop new data. In 2004, several groups of scarlet macaws were reported in the Río San Carlos area close to the border with Nicaragua, in what is now designated as Maquenque National Wildlife Refuge (Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre mixto Maquenque), which also abuts the Indio Maíz Biological Reserve in Nicaragua (Chassot and Monge-Arias 2004, pp. Fish and Wildlife Service. In addition, they started a veterinarian evaluation program, supplementary Start Printed Page 6305feeding, and management of wild chicks during nesting season (WCS 2018, unpaginated). 2009, p. 396; Forshaw 89, p. 407); and areas of human settlement (towns) (Guittar et al. It is an endangered species, and has suffered local extinction in many places, due to habitat destruction and capture for parrot trade. However, generally speaking, disease risks are small because the probable frequency of occurrence is low (see Factor C discussion in 77 FR 40237-40238; July 6, 2012). documents in the last year, by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services comm. Africanized honey bees are an exotic species originally introduced in Brazil in 1956 (Whitfield et al. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services, Branch of Delisting and Foreign Species (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT). 2009, unpaginated), many sightings of scarlet macaws exist in southeastern Nicaragua and northeastern Costa Rica since the issuance of our proposed rules (77 FR 40222, July 6, 2012; 81 FR 20302, April 7, 2016), indicating that the species has continued to expand its range in this region. The species is also common east of the Andes and in the Orinoco and Amazon Basins in Colombia, but there are no current population estimates (Hilty and Brown 1986, p. 200; Iñigo-Elias 2010, unpaginated). However, Start Printed Page 6281because of the relatively good status of the species in the Amazon, which accounts for the majority of the species range and population, and the scarlet macaw's relative tolerance of degraded and fragmented habitat (BLI 2011c, unpaginated), we found the scarlet macaw did not warrant listing under the Act rangewide at the species level (A. m. macao). Forest area has increased over 25 years and the range of scarlet macaws on the Pacific slope of Costa Rica has increased. Macaw as pets, Food and care: This site has 16 sightings, with 13 since 2012, and group sizes have been small (1 to 4). The scarlet macaw is protected under CITES, an international agreement among governments to ensure that the international trade of CITES-listed plant and animal species does not threaten species' survival in the wild. 312, 346; Marineros and Vaughan 1995, pp. the current document as it appeared on Public Inspection on Its tails are thin and quite long compared to the rest of its body. Additionally, gaining access is also often followed by full deforestation and lands cleared for agricultural use (Kaimowitz and Angelsen 1998, in Putz et al. Fish and Wildlife Service has supported long-term efforts to conserve scarlet macaws in both Mexico and Honduras with grants. The scarlet macaw is protected by domestic laws within all countries in Mesoamerica (see Factor D discussion, below). 2009, unpaginated; Rodriguez and Hinojosa 2010, in McReynolds 2011, in litt., unpaginated); and an unknown but likely small number of birds in northwest Colombia. Nest monitoring indicated 5 of 6 nests active in February 2003 were poached by August (McReynolds 2016, in litt., unpaginated). Section 3 of the Act defines an “endangered species” as “any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range,” and a “threatened species” as “any species which is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range.” As required by the Act, we conducted a review of the status of the species and considered the five factors in assessing whether the scarlet macaw meets the definition of an endangered species or threatened species. Deforestation is ongoing in northwest Colombia (Colombia Gold Letter 2012, pp. The commenters claimed that positive information, such as captive-breeding and release programs that are occurring throughout the species' range, are discounted compared to negative information, such as threats, on population status. 12.10 (Rev. The Secretary also has the discretion to prohibit by regulation with respect to any threatened species any act prohibited under section 9(a)(1) of the Act. 23, 43; Suman et al. In our proposed rule we found that the southern DPS of the southern subspecies A. m. macao did not warrant listing as an endangered species or a threatened species based on its status. 2008, unpaginated). documents in the last year, 231 2015, pp. p. 8). The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment of Its Habitat or Range, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and Nicaragua (, Factor B: Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or Educational Purposes, Factor D: Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms, Factor E: Other Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting the Species' Continued Existence, Small Population Size and Synergistic Effects of Threats, Impacts of Reintroducing Captive-Bred Scarlet Macaws Into the Wild, Final Determination for the Northern Subspecies (Ara macao cyanoptera), Final Determination for the Northern DPS of Southern Subspecies (Ara macao macao), Final Determination for Southern DPS of Southern Subspecies (Ara macao macao), PART 17—ENDANGERED AND THREATENED WILDLIFE AND PLANTS,, MODS: Government Publishing Office metadata, upper Rio Uxpanapa region; Usamacinto Watershed—Eastern Chiapas, Mexico, Lacandón Forest. The scarlet macaw is also reported to occur in relatively small areas outside the Amazon, including west of the Andes in northwest Colombia (Hilty and Brown 1986, p. 200) and in parts of several northern Venezuelan states (Hilty 2003, p. 327). In 2013, the organization Bosque Antiguo AC and partners launched an effort to conserve scarlet macaws in Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve with the goal of creating a self-sustaining population of 500 wild individuals by 2026.

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