ocha afghanistan displacement

Posted on November 18th, 2021

The situation beyond 2021 remains uncertain. As humanitarians shifted response priorities to meet COVID-19-induced needs, unaddressed priorities from 2020 are likely to drive more severe needs in 2021, requiring urgent supplementary development assistance, especially in protracted displacement sites. var chart2 = AmCharts.makeChart(chartdivid_conflict, { }, { } Conditions in informal settlements are dire and IDPs often lack access to water and sanitation facilities and face acute protection concerns. "position":"bottom", // "maximum": 3500000, "allLabels": [], OCHA’s pooled funds support aid for people affected by drought in Afghanistan ... October 17, 2018. In response to the 9/11 attacks in the United States by members of the Taliban-backed al-Qaeda network, NATO and US forces launched parallel military interventions in Afghanistan. //-->