nasa aegis contract protest

Posted on November 18th, 2021

The contract takes effect Sept. 1, 2021, and extends through Aug. 31, 2031, if all options and award terms are exercised; effectively becoming a 10 -year award if all options are exercised. See Lawrence H. Suid, B‑255546, Mar. SOC also argues that the agency did not consider adverse past performance information when evaluating GardaWorld’s proposal. Latest news and information on the business of delivering technology and services to government including government contractors, the integrator community, technology case studies, and mergers and . GardaWorld referenced three contracts demonstrating its past performance. Because SOC was rated as “unacceptable” under the technical approach factor, it needed to demonstrate that GardaWorld’s record of past performance would have disqualified the awardee from the competition. RFP, attach. within a certain set of parameters, to include: Have an initial total estimated contract value of $10 million or above Federal Civilian Only - DHS, Transportation, Justice, Labor, Interior, Commerce, Energy, State, and Treasury Actions Orbit Research, LLC, B‑417462, July 17, 2019, 2019 CPD ¶ 258 at 7. at 8. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Advanced Enterprise Global Information Technology Solutions (AEGIS) Contract - In June 2021, Leidos was awarded a 10-year, potential $2.5 billion ceiling value contract to provide telecommunications, cloud and data center services across all of NASA's centers and facilities. SOC argues that GardaWorld’s past performance was unreasonably evaluated as “very relevant” because the firm’s referenced efforts did not involve similar services, and because the TET’s evaluation did not support the assignment of a “very relevant” rating as defined by the solicitation. Comments and Supp. Thus, had SOC demonstrated that GardaWorld’s proposal was unacceptable, then DOS, presented with no acceptable offerors, may have elected to resolicit proposals and SOC would have an opportunity to submit another proposal. As NASA works to transform its procurement strategy across the centers to align with a new Mission Support Future Architecture Program or MAP effort, G2X has spoken with a number of incumbents on IT contracts supporting each center who are wondering whether, after CyPrESS subsumes the cyber components, the rest of the work roll into AEGIS, noting that as part of this solicitation, Marshall Space Flight Center Information Technology Services (MITS II) was consolidated into the PWS. MOL at 28 (explaining that the historical retention rate was [DELETED] percent but that the firm intended to retain [DELETED] percent of its staff). 1. PSC Category. AR, Tab 9A, TET Report--GardaWorld at 4-5. Add Pursuit. Finally, each offeror’s staffing plan was to include a candidate screening plan. ©2021 MileMarker10, LLC all rights reserved Supp. The firm argues that the agency should have evaluated only its primary option to address emergency leave; specifically, that the firm could [DELETED] other personnel, rely on its rotational staff, or draw upon its staffing pool of qualified personnel. Supp. Protest at 10. The Johnson Space Center Office of Procurement. A, PWS at 10. They provide a full array of trading and execution services for . Supp. More than a thousand of the new hires work for Mehnert's 8,600-strong Communications . For more than 100 years, GAO has provided an objective, independent, and impartial forum for the resolution of disputes concerning the awards of federal contracts. It is an offeror’s responsibility to submit a well-written proposal, with adequately detailed information that clearly demonstrates compliance with the solicitation requirements, and an offeror risks having its proposal evaluated unfavorably where it fails to submit an adequately written proposal. Protest at 6. The agency evaluated GardaWorld’s referenced contracts as “very relevant.”  AR, Tab 9A, TET Report--GardaWorld at 18. The agency identified this feature as a weakness because it demonstrated a lack of understanding of the requirement to conduct in-country training sessions. AR, Tab 5, GardaWorld Tech. at 12-13. Id. at 6. First, SOC’s staffing plan assumed a very high retention percentage for currently performing employees, while GardaWorld’s staffing plan proposed a much lower percentage. Davis Defense Grp., B‑417470, July 11, 2019, 2019 CPD ¶ 275 at 5. Protest that the agency unreasonably evaluated the protester’s management strategy and past performance is dismissed where the protester is not an interested party to raise those allegations. For the training management plan subfactor, the firm’s proposal was assigned two strengths, and one weakness. Id. The Vault is a listing of expiring contracts, task orders, etc. Id. SOC asserts that this evaluation determination was unreasonable. Tower Fasteners is a national a leader in the field of fastener distribution and "C" class commodity inventory management systems. NASA | LANCE | Fire Information for Resource Management System provides near real-time active fire data from MODIS and VIIRS to meet the needs of firefighters, scientists and users interested in monitoring fires. RFP, attach. Founded in 1984, Aegis Capital Corp. is a broker-dealer located in New York City. Similar to SOC, GardaWorld proposed to substitute temporarily personnel from other task order contracts; however, unlike SOC, GardaWorld’s proposal specifically explained that it would leverage a task order contract in the midst of a drawdown. Thus, because the firm did not identify a training facility located in the Central African Republic, we think the agency reasonably concluded that the firm’s proposal demonstrated a poor understanding of the requirement. I, Proposal Preparation Instructions at 5. See Dewberry Crawford Grp. Id. Sols., B‑418489.3, B‑418489.4, Sept. 15, 2020, 2020 CPD ¶ 316 at 7 (agency did not unequally evaluate proposals where differences existed between the offerors’ technical approaches). RFP, attach. "The Department of Commerce issued a request for proposals Friday for an enterprise IT contract worth up to $1.5 billion in task orders over the next 10 years. See AR, Tab 9A, TET Report--GardaWorld at 20-21 (past performance evaluation was “based on a comprehensive and in-depth assessment of all past and present performance information”). Alexa Tsui 1 week ago, Posted - by Comments and Supp. The Leslie Brown papers span the years 1936-2016 and undated Id. Id. Memorandum of Law (MOL) at 12-13. Where a solicitation provides for a tradeoff between the price and non-price factors, even where price is the least important evaluation factor, as here, an agency properly may select a lower-priced, lower-rated proposal if the agency reasonably concludes that the price premium involved in selecting a higher-rated, higher-priced proposal is not justified in light of the acceptable level of . Where a protester challenges an agency’s past performance evaluation, we will review the evaluation to determine if it was reasonable and consistent with the solicitation’s evaluation criteria and procurement statutes and regulations. I think the DHS CISO would agree that one... FedScoop: GSA divides $150M in American Rescue Plan funding among... “This one will be interesting to watch: Reimaging USAGov”. Proposal is unawardable. Supp. MOL at 6-7. DOS noted that it reviewed all evaluation information available. Additionally, the KESF task order contract bore many of the “common aspects” of relevancy, including being performed in a hostile environment, having a high dollar value, and utilizing the same personnel structure and types of key personnel. NASA has awarded a new, agencywide information technology and communications services contract for Advanced Enterprise Global Information Technology Solutions (AEGIS) to Leidos Inc; Through the 10-year, $2.5 billion contract, Leidos will provide telecommunications, cloud, and data center services across all . 2, 2014, 2014 CPD ¶ 117 at 6 (post-protest explanations will be considered when they are credible and consistent with the contemporaneous record). This site contains documents that may not be accessible to readers. This is accompanied by new policy initiatives on the ministerial level which have been bringing the European Space Agency and the European Union steadily closer. [3]  Supp. Thus, because the firm did not specifically explain that it would search the National Sex‑Offender Registry to determine whether candidates were present, we do not find the agency’s evaluation unreasonable.[4]. US watchdog rejects Blue Origin protest over NASA lunar contract - Business Standard India. RFP, attach. 27, 2018, 2018 CPD ¶ 130 at 6 (“In any event, even to the extent the SSA independently reevaluated [the awardee’s] proposal, there is no error. Int’l, Inc., B‑409415, B‑409415.2, Apr. GardaWorld’s letters of commitment provide all of the requisite information as delineated in the RFP--the letters provide the employees’ names, signatures, key positions, intended durations of employment, and duty locations. Finally, we address the weakness assigned to the training management subfactor. Accordingly, we deny the protest allegation. Id. The SSA also noted that SOC’s past performance evaluation portended poor performance. SOC is an interested party to challenge the agency’s evaluation of GardaWorld because only SOC and GardaWorld were evaluated. Protest at 20-21. See AR, Tab 5, GardaWorld Tech. at 20. NASA might not award its $2.5 billion, next-generation enterprise IT contract again for months following a bid protest Science Applications International Corp., said Leidos CEO Roger Krone, on the company's earnings call Tuesday. Award would be made on a best-value tradeoff basis considering technical approach, management strategy, past performance relevancy, past performance confidence, and price factors. In his new book, "Getting Defense Acquisition Right," Kendall shares a selection of his articles, statements, and correspondence in a logical progression that provides insight into where Defense acquisition has been and a greater ... The past performance confidence factor was more important than the other non-price factors, and all non-price factors were equal to the price factor. Paul E. Pompeo, Esq., Thomas A. Petit, Esq., and Trevor G. Schmitt, Esq., Arnold & Porter LLP, for Aegis Defense Services, LLC d/b/a GardaWorld Federal Services, the intervenor. SOC LLC, of Chantilly, Virginia, protests the issuance of a task order to Aegis Defense Services, LLC d/b/a GardaWorld Federal Services, of McLean, Virginia, under task order request for proposals (RFP) No. Id. The agency informed our Office that it would reevaluate proposals under the past performance, technical approach, and management strategy factors. Grp., LLC, B‑418831, Sept. 2, 2020, 2020 CPD ¶ 280 at 4. The agency responds that SOC did not propose sufficient reserve personnel, and that therefore the firm will have to utilize personnel from other task order contracts. Although SOC may argue that it only intends to use personnel from other task order contracts as a last resort, we note that its proposal explains that this strategy constituted its secondary option to address emergency leave, and therefore the agency reasonably considered whether this feature created a risk of poor performance. The Hundred-Year Marathon is a wake-up call as we face the greatest national security challenge of the twenty-first century. The Navy also might install the equipment on DDG-51 class destroyers. Krone told investors that NASA's corrective action would include a new award decision for the contract known as AEGIS. The firm identified only “National Sex‑Offender Registry” as part of its candidate screening plan, but did not articulate what that step of the candidate screening plan entailed. AR, Tab 7A, TET Report--SOC at 3 (explaining that using personnel from other task order contracts requires unnecessary assistance and resources from the government); see also Management Sys. Please download Acrobat for PDF Documents. The firm argues that GardaWorld’s proposal failed to conform to the requirement to provide letters of commitment from key personnel, and therefore should have been assigned a deficiency and evaluated as “unacceptable.”  Comments and Supp. When describing their training management plans, each offeror was instructed to describe how they would provide required training to personnel. at 18. Supp. Facilities. Hard to believe the Coast Guard hasn’t had a... DHS CISA awards $10M Tripwire Operations and Maintenance task. We disagree. within a certain set of parameters, to include: Who has access? For the staffing plan subfactor, the firm’s proposal was assigned one strength, one weakness, and two significant weaknesses. NASA's Artemis moon program is estimated to cost nearly $93 billion through 2025, NASA's Office of Inspector General reported Monday. Senior video correspondent Graham Flanagan spent five days a. Supp. Id. The agency noted that the referenced contracts involved “similar scope and magnitude of effort and complexities that this solicitation requires.”  Id. G2X TAKE: After heavy competition this past Fall, Leidos, a FORTUNE® 500 science and technology leader, was awarded this 10-year, $2.5B contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration that is designed to provide a seamless communications infrastructure and the implementation of a zero-trust network architecture, modernization of NASA data centers and migration to cloud services, as well as artificial intelligence and machine learning. Finally, the record does not provide us a basis to question the agency’s view that GardaWorld’s past performance provided high confidence in its ability to perform the requirement successfully. The $2.5 billion contract includes a 10 year period . SOC contends that these weaknesses and significant weaknesses were assigned unreasonably. Moreover, our review confirms that GardaWorld received favorable past performance ratings, and that the firm was able to rectify many of the performance concerns. SOC also argues that its proposal explained that it had already obtained letters of commitment from its personnel. The first contract referenced the WPS II Kabul Embassy Security Force (KESF) task order contract, the second contract referenced providing local guard services in Mali, and the third contract referenced providing local guard services in Iraq. Accordingly, we deny this protest allegation. The record shows that DOS simply came to a different conclusion about the predictive value of GardaWorld’s performance issues. 5, 2020, at 1. NASA awarded a $2.5 billion contract for enterprise IT and telecommunications services to Leidos, the agency announced Friday. SOC complains that the agency unreasonably evaluated proposals and improperly made the source selection decision. I, Proposal Preparation Instructions at 6. SOC’s argument (i.e., that the agency did not consider all of GardaWorld’s deficiencies and cure notices) does not demonstrate a reasonable possibility that the firm would be disqualified from the competition because its overall performance repeatedly received positive ratings. In light of the agency’s proposed corrective action, our Office dismissed the protest as academic. [5] The RFP identified four key personnel:  program manager; operational medical director; unit support coordinator; and, protective security operations chief. Leidos (NYSE: LDOS) has won a $2.5 billion follow-on contract to provide information technology and communications network services to all facilities and centers run by NASA.. The agency responds that GardaWorld proposed a different approach because it articulated that it would substitute temporarily personnel from a task order contract undergoing a drawdown. Because GardaWorld’s letters satisfied the explicit requirements set forth in the RFP, we conclude that DOS’s evaluation was reasonable. Proposal at 8-9 (GardaWorld anticipates retaining [DELETED] percent of incumbent personnel). SOC argues that DOS’s position is unreasonable because utilizing the incumbent workforce does not reasonably create a risk of poor performance. A protester is not an interested party where it would not be in line for award, were its protest to be sustained. The solicitation defined an “unacceptable” rating as the following: Proposal does not meet requirement of the solicitation, and thus, contains one or more deficiencies, and/or risk of unsuccessful performance is unacceptable. Source: NASA Read the press release here. SOC’s proposal provided, “State and federal criminal history (7 years),” and that background checks will be conducted after the medical screening exam. The Dragon Takes Flight: China's Aviation Policy, Achievements, and International Implications analyzes China’s journey toward the development of its C-919 large passenger aircraft and how Boeing and Airbus can meet the challenges they ... The RFP contemplated the issuance of a fixed-price task order to be performed over a 1-year base period, four 1‑year option periods, and a 6-month extension period. Additionally, each offeror’s staffing plan should include a retention plan demonstrating how employee attrition will be minimized. Stay informed as we add new reports & testimonies. Significantly, offerors were advised that their proposals must receive a rating of “acceptable” for the technical approach factor in order to qualify as eligible for award. MOL at 37‑39. AR, Tab 7A, TET Report--SOC at 6. MOL at 38. Specifically, where SOC simply proposed to substitute temporarily personnel from other task order contracts, GardaWorld proposed to substitute temporarily staff from a task order contract with [DELETED]. As noted above, offerors were instructed to include a candidate screening plan in their proposals. Awardee Name: CAPITOL ADVISORS OF TECHNOLOGY, LLC Contract Duration: 24 months Total . SOC was assigned a rating of “unacceptable” for its technical approach. 41 U.S.C. In connection with this weakness, SOC argues that the agency could not reasonably view GardaWorld’s anticipated retention of incumbent personnel as a strong feature, while simultaneously viewing its own anticipated retention as a weakness. Compare AR, Tab 3, SOC Tech. H, Evaluation Criteria at 3. Paul F. Khoury, Esq., Jon W. Burd, Esq., J. Ryan Frazee, Esq., Moshe B. Broder, Esq., and Nicole E. Giles, Esq., Wiley Rein LLP, for the protester. As a result, even though the evaluation criteria did not specifically instruct each offeror to identify an in-country training facility, we think this requirement was nevertheless reasonably encompassed by the RFP because such a training facility was essential to satisfying the in-country training responsibilities. Current Significant Acquisitions. Comments and Supp. The Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India is a bi-annual publication on regional economic growth, development and regional integration in Emerging Asia. The Government Accountability Office has denied a protest from American security services firm DynCorp International LLC of the Army's controversial award of a $293 million contract in March to . Leidos has been awarded a new NASA IT and communications services contract for Advanced Enterprise Global Information Technology Solutions, or AEGIS. at 3. MOL at 37. I Website Manager: LaDonna Brezik Additionally, the RFP required each offeror to describe its training facilities to conduct all training, including in-country training. PAE is committed to providing assistance to our current and former employees who worked in Afghanistan. RFP, attach. That isn't unusual and GAO usually dismisses protests when a corrective . RFP, attach. RFP, attach. DOS assigned this weakness because the firm’s proposal did not identify training facilities for where the firm would conduct annual “refresher” training in the Central African Republic. On August 5, 2019, DOS issued the RFP against the agency’s Worldwide Protective Services (WPS) II multiple-award indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contract to procure protective, specialized security, and logistical support services at the U.S. Embassy Bangui in the Central African Republic. The agency is taking corrective action over the 10-year Advanced Enterprise Global IT Solutions (AEGIS) contract, which could take until the third […] This protest followed.[2]. This redacted version has been approved for public release. Found inside – Page 19741This , perhaps more than and communications meet contract cancel- billion in gross national product , enough to any ... this meassonic planes , and the rare materials that go were prepared under the aegis of the Arms into spaceships . See COS at 19; Supp. The 10-year Advanced Enterprise Global IT Solutions (AEGIS) contract covers cloud and data center solutions across all NASA centers and facilities. The American Dance Festival is a non-profit organization committed to serving the needs of dance, dancers, choreographers, and professionals in dance-related fields. Id. Both HALO and PPE will be delivered to their moon orbit by the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket. We carry a full line of fasteners from top manufacturers like Heyco, PEM, RAF, Southco and many others. NASA's spending on its Artemis program, which aims to establish a sustainable human presence on and around the moon by the end of the decade, is projected to reach a total of $93 billion by 2025, according to a new audit by the NASA Office of Inspector General (OIG). Indeed, the agency specifically noted, “[t]he proposed Staffing Plan lacks critical detail in regard to how the Offeror plans to achieve this incumbent retention rate and/or how they plan to overcome staffing challenges in case the incumbent retention rate is lower than [the stated high percentage].”  Id. Found inside – Page 39Accession Number Type of Document AAR Brooks & Perkins Advanced Structures Division Protest Against Army Solicitation as Unduly Restrictive ( Decision ) Aerometrics , Inc. Protest Against Proposed NASA Contract Award for Scientific and ... Cf. Id. The staffing plan was also to include a recruitment plan which should identify each offeror’s total number of recruiters and reviewers, plan for incumbent personnel, and recruitment methods. Deloitte Consulting has been awarded a 5-year, $8M task by the Department of Justice to provide consulting services. Deloitte was named to the list of NXT UP firms poised to make big waves in the Federal sector in 2020 and for years to come. Russia says S-550 more efficient at intercepting ICBMs than THAAD and Aegis Moscow (Sputnik) Nov 15, 2021 The new air defence system is being developed on the basis of the advanced S-500 Prometey (Prometheus), designed to destroy enemy targets within a range of around 600 kilometres (370 miles). The $50 billion vehicle has six pools and now GSA has made full-and-open and small business . Sunny Besterman 5 days ago, Posted - by Proposal at 12. Protest at 5-16; Protest at 13-23. Translated into over twenty languages, Not for Profit draws on the stories of troubling—and hopeful—global educational developments. An agency’s evaluation of past performance, which includes its consideration of the relevance, scope, and significance of an offeror’s performance history, is a matter of discretion which we will not disturb unless the assessment is unreasonable or inconsistent with the solicitation criteria. AEGIS replaces the NASA Integrated Communications Services (NICS) contract and will ensure that wide-area and local-area The company's 40,000 employees support vital missions for government and commercial customers. SOC further argues that its and GardaWorld’s proposals were unequally evaluated because GardaWorld was assigned a strength for utilizing some of the incumbent personnel. Protest at 20. Protest that the agency unreasonably evaluated technical and past performance proposals is denied where the record shows that the evaluations were consistent with the terms of the solicitation, and applicable procurement statutes and regulations. [1]  COS at 2. Id. 9, 1994, 94-1 CPD ¶ 187 at 5, n.4. AR, Tab 7A, TET Report--SOC at 3. Thinking Literature across Continents finds Ranjan Ghosh and J. Hillis Miller—two thinkers from different continents, cultures, training, and critical perspectives—debating and reflecting upon what literature is and why it matters. I, Proposal Preparation Instructions at 10-11. [1] On February 7, 2020, DOS made award to GardaWorld. This new edition presents key data and information on migration as well as thematic chapters on highly topical migration issues, and is structured to focus on two key contributions for readers: Part I: key information on migration and ... SOC reasons that neither proposal included details for how they would retain incumbent staff. To the contrary, we consider the statement to be consistent with the underlying evaluation record because the evaluation record clearly outlined DOS’s concern that SOC would not be able to utilize personnel from other task order contracts. This report describes the incentives used in performance-based logistic contracts, identifies best practices, and provides recommendations for effective incentives going forward. Living Our Values At SAIC: Integrity . The list of NASA publications at the end of this volume is also a testimony to the tremendous amount of historical research that the NASA History Division has sponsored over the last 50 years, of which this is the latest volume. SOC raises multiple challenges to the agency’s evaluation of both proposals, and challenges the source selection decision. Id. Offerors were instructed to submit up to three past performance referenced contracts demonstrating their expected quality of performance.

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