mars anomalies videos

Posted on November 18th, 2021

Those who pore over the images returned from the Martian rovers have pointed out this anomaly, saying that it looks like the remains of a boat. With irrepressible enthusiasm and wonder, Dr. Kaku takes readers on a fascinating journey to a future in which humanity could finally fulfil its long-awaited destiny among the stars - and perhaps even achieve immortality. What Are These Strange-Looking Things on the Moon? Large Disc/Dome-Shaped Object Spotted on Mars North Pole? A scientist from the University of Arizona is quoted as saying, "In reality, it's more likely that this boulder has been created by breaking away from the bedrock to create a rectangular-shaped feature." Be sure to see previous videos as far back as 2013. ArtAlienTV's Joseph White: Now appearing on Ancient Aliens new series 2016. Is there natural formation comparable to it on Earth? Mars has many anomalies. Shergotty Meteorite - 25 August 1865 - Shergotty (now Sherghati), in the Gaya district, Bihar, India. Is this the head of a statue from some ancient Martian culture? The story told by a wide range of Mars data is now clear. Mars was once Earth-like in climate, with an ocean and rivers, and for a long period became home to both plant and animal life, including a humanoid civilization. Research. Mars videos. Looking like a mouse or squirrel laying on its stomach, the Mars Rat was captured (on film) by NASA's Mars rover Curiosity in September 2012 and generated a lot of Internet interest after viewers noted the features - eyes, nose, ears, cheeks, legs - of the cute little creature were easily discernible. Photographs taken of this site show the blocks have indeed been removed. This picture, taken by the Curiosity rover on Mars, shows an object that very much looks like a human finger, complete with a fingernail. It's one of the most incredible images that's ever come from space and there have been no [official] comments on it whatsoever!". Lifeless mineral deposits? It's really there. I am Webmaster, System Administrator, Website Developer and Owner of the following sites: The Ancient Ruins of Promethei Terra on Mars,,,, Ancient Sculptures, Statues and Monuments on Mars, Machinery, Construction Material and Structures found on Mars, Strange Structures Spotted in Cydonia on Mars, Anomalies Spotted East of Pyramus Fossae on Mars, Strange Debris Spotted West of Bianchini on Mars, REVISITED Anomalies Discovered East of Euripus Mons on Mars, Megaliths Spotted in Candidate Human Exploration Zone (Phlegra Dorsa) on Mars, Familiar Geometric Patterns Spotted in Utopia Planitia on Mars, Perseverance Rover Photographs the Megalithic Blocks of ‘The Citadel’ on Mars, Dozens of Megalithic Blocks Discovered on Debris Mound in Utopia Planitia on Mars, My 2nd UFOs Sighting on 07 Januray 2012 – Centurion, South Africa, My 1st UFO Sighting in Late 1979 – Pretoria, South Africa, Virtually Identical Megalithic Blocks Discovered in Western Utopia Planitia on Mars, Strange Objects Spotted in Utopia Planitia on Mars, THE GRAND TOUR The Greater Phlegra Montes. This repeat action, the team asserts, strengthens their suggestion of fixed, biological causes of spot formation.". Found insideThey finally charged twenty-eight of us on Operation Mars, so for the next few months my home became the centre for the defence. ... We compared the statements to the videos to the photographs, and made a note of any anomalies. The Cydonia region of Mars seems to be chock full of weird anomalous structures. Yet again we have another masterpiece from our friend Kjell who sends in some of the images he finds anomalous. "Mars likely never had enough oxygen in its atmosphere and elsewhere to support more complex organisms. Abandoned open-pit mining quarry on Mars? I show what appears to be Cars, Structures, as well as a very clear anomaly that just stands right out. This is an essential guide for a broad readership of academics, students, amateur astronomers, and space enthusiasts, replacing the NASA atlas from the 1970s. . Mars Anomalies - Photos and Booklet. There shouldn't be bones of any kind on Mars, according to planetary scientists, since life—not even in microbial form—has never been detected there. Found insideMore deep-core quakes are occurring, as well as jet stream anomalies and bizarre straight-line wind shears. Earth sounds such as trumpet ... (You can do a search on entitled “Earth Sounds” and readily find these videos.) ... Another controversial photo, shown here, reveals much larger forms that look like spreading trees as seen from above. Here I answer important questions about Mars anomalies and artifacts. Ancient Salt Mines or Agricultural Farms Discovered on Mars? This series explores the Secret Space Program, revealing extraordinary technologies and their potential origins. Or is it just an oddly shaped rock that resembles a bone? Weird, indeed. That, however, does not rule out the possibility that there was once life on Mars. Another Triangular Feature found in Noachis Terra on Mars, Ultra Rare Structures in Ruin in Nili Fossae and Melas Mensa on Mars, Dozens of Potential Graves, Cairns and Markers on Pasithea Dorsum Ridge on Mars, Derelict Objects Spotted in Eridania Scopulus on Mars, Relics Discovered on the Plains of Drava Valles on Mars, Anomalies on the Plains of Tader Valles on Mars, Phrixi Rupes (Mars) Reveals More of its Artifacts, SPECIAL EDITION Relics to the South of Ogygis Undae on Mars, PART 2 Absolute Chaos on the Plains of Icaria Planum on Mars, PART 1 Absolute Chaos on the Plains of Icaria Planum on Mars, Relics on the Western Edge of Argyre Planitia on Mars, Geometric Surface Feature in Noachis Terra on Mars, Strange Geometric Surface Feature North of Neukum on Mars, Derelict Structures South of Kunowsky on Mars, More Ruins Spotted East of Asimov on Mars, More Discs and Domes Spotted Near Aonia Mons on Mars, Strange Artifacts in Antarctica that look like those on Mars, Similar ‘Sculpted’ Objects found in Terra Sirenum on Mars, OSIRIS-REx Spots Ancient Megalithic Artifacts on Bennu Asteroid, The Cydonia Institute Publishes the Mars Raptor Zone Complex Journal, PART 2 Obelisks Megaliths and Discs Spotted East of Asimov on Mars, PART 1 Obelisks Megaliths and Discs Spotted East of Asimov on Mars, A ‘Rock Ship of Masuda’-Type Artifact discovered East of Asimov on Mars, Enormous Blocks Spotted in Dorsa Argentea and Moreux on Mars, PART 2 Relics and Ruins South East of Euripus Mons on Mars, PART 1 Relics and Ruins South East of Euripus Mons on Mars, PART 3 ‘Dolmens’ Domes Discs and Blocks Spotted in Proctor on Mars, PART 2 ‘Dolmens’ Domes Discs and Blocks Spotted in Proctor on Mars, PART 1 ‘Dolmens’ Domes Discs and Blocks Spotted in Proctor on Mars, REVISITED Derelict ‘Ruins’ Spotted Near Badwater on Mars in Colour, The Cydonia Institute & Society for Planetary SETI Research (SPSR) Writes Paper on My ‘Cydonia 2.0’, Anomalies West of Planum Chronium on Mars, Huge Wrecked Disc Discovered West of Planum Chronium on Mars, More Megaliths, Discs and Tech Spotted in Planum Chronium on Mars, PART 2 A Vast Debris Field on the Plains of Planum Chronium on Mars, PART 1 A Vast Debris Field on the Plains of Planum Chronium on Mars, The Weird Blocky Clusters of Hellas (Near Badwater) on Mars, Two ‘Obelisks’ Discovered in Protonilus (‘Nile Canal’) on Mars, Derelict ‘Ruins’ Spotted Near Badwater on Mars, Geometric Structures Spotted in Noachis Terra on Mars, Glyphs and Ruins Everywhere in Noachis Terra, Large Solitary Disc East of Darwin and More Relics on Mars, Huge Bright Disc Spotted on the Plains of Acidalia on Mars, SPECIAL EDITION Remnants of an Ancient Civilization on Mars: The Evidence Thus Far, PART 2 Artifacts East of Mars 3 Lander (USSR) on Mars, Multiple Similar Pairs Spotted South of Yaonis Regio on Mars, PART 1 Artifacts East of Mars 3 Lander (USSR) on Mars, Dome-Shaped Structure West of Perepelkin on Mars, PART 5 The Curious Enigma of Tanais on Mars, PART 4 The Curious Enigma of Tanais on Mars, PART 3 The Curious Enigma of Tanais on Mars, PART 2 The Curious Enigma of Tanais on Mars, UPDATE Large Wheel-Shaped Object Spotted near Copernicus on Mars, PART 1 The Curious Enigma of Tanais on Mars. Mars videos. The Kunowsky Ley Lines of Mars Hypothesis, Matching Pair of Derelict Classic UFO-Type ‘Craft’ or Objects Found on Mars, Asimov Crater-Type Anomalies Discovered in Gorgonum Chaos on Mars, Dome-Shaped Object and Structures found in Ariadnes Colles on Mars, Giant Buried Structures found in Renaudot Crater on Mars, Huge Debris Field found near the Kunowsky-Asimov Ley Line on Mars, SPECIAL EDITION 100th Mars Anomalies Video, More Structures and Tech found in Kotka Crater on Mars, Weird Craft and Structure Artefacts found in Kotka Crater on Mars, Walled Structures and Megaliths found in Asimov Crater, Strange Geometric Shapes found West of Kunowsky Crater, Giant Megaliths in Kotka Crater on the Mars Kunowsky-Asimov Ley Line, An Ode to Clarke and Asimov – The Giant ‘Asimov Monolith’ on Mars, Mars Kunowsky-Asimov Ley Line Anomalies found in Stokes Crater, Kunowsky ‘Stonehenge’ and Debris Field on Mars, Alien Head Sculpture and other Relics found on Mars, More Weird Arcadian Technology found on Mars, The Ancient Mars Kunowsky-Asimov Link Hypothesis, Massive Structures and Small Craft found on Mars, An Archaeologists Treasure Trove found on Mars. #4BKTV - The Star Trek 2001 Mars Rendezvous – An Ode to Roddenberry and Clarke. It is well known that a lie repeated often enough can become in time an accepted truth, especially i f it . Active mining operations photographed on Mars? Best-selling author and Secret Space Program researcher Bara brings us this lavishly-illustrated volume on alien structures on the Moon. Not particularly big in size, it is dwarfed by all of the planets except for Mercury. The color has been added to show it more clearly. Could these be further Giant Megalithic-Type Objects found On Mars? Announcements. In the background, there is a formation that looks like an elevated roadway or bridge. By using our site, you agree to our use of cookies. Latest Mars finds - Creatures, Artefacts and Structures on the planet surface spotted in 2020 by one the worlds leading Mars Channels. This photo of a mysterious object on the surface of Mars was snapped by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter from 165 miles up. Their theory is that the dark spots are "the result of springtime defrosting process on Mars, not signs of biology." Artificial trench found in deep desert region on Mars? If so, where is the bedrock from which it has been broken? Some have suggested that it's a fossilized finger from a Martian or a broken-off finger from a Martian statue. . Possible Entranceways to Caves on Mars (Hidden SSP Assets)? Crashed Saucer-Shaped Craft on Central Peak of Gassendi on the Moon? Billy Carson has built a Team of dedicated individuals from across the Globe on various Social Media Platforms, he has successfuly founded and set foundations for future generations to continue the quest for the TRUTH. We're all familiar with the enigmatic Sphinx in Giza desert of Egypt, but some paranormal researchers are saying that this photo shows a Sphinx-like statue on the desert-like surface of the planet Mars. So to say that nobody has ever stepped foot on the Moon before 1969 is pure myth! 15 talking about this. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. 4BIDDENKNOWLEDGE is now the leading frontier of concious streaming knowledge available for the entire family, in the comfort of your own homes. So many strange objects to choose from scattered all over the Martian surface. FOLLOW US / SUBSCRIBE. Thus, large fossils are not likely.". Mars Anomalies. Found inside – Page 183183 or check out the pyramids on Mars. Electronic Beings seem to live on our moon in large ... JPL of Pasadena has created a NASA web site that details all the strange anomalies that have been seen on the Moon since the days of Galileo. Mr. Carson appreciates the dedication and hard work it takes to accomplish great things. Mars helicopter Ingenuity aborted latest flight attempt because of anomaly. Our aim is to deliver content of a higher conciousness to be reached globally. Spirit rover captures moving object on Mars? Freaky Geology and or Intelligent Design found on Mars? It was discovered by Mars Anomalies member, convex: Click here to remove banner ads from this forum. Source: Exclusive Mars Images and Sol 86. Or is this another case of seeing something familiar in random formations? Those on Mars seem to be venting something that is staining the surface around them, not unlike those in Antarctica. DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature. Mars 2020 Rover Mission, Canals, Dams and is the Martian Sky Blue or Red? Don't forget to subscribe to the channel. It's an odd shape and round hole in the end (as if for a tube fitting) makes it look like a manufactured object. music artist Kevin Macleod goto for his entire collection of music….. OUTSIDE FILMING THE MOON EVERYONE….. go on top of the live feed in Mars Anomalies video take a screen shot and send youtube the defamatory comments those who have the time and agree thanks…. Derelict crashed disc-like craft inside of Martian crater, Self-illuminating sphere in Martian crater, Clusters of cigar-shaped objects on Martian surface, Massive cigar shaped craft hovering in the Martian sky, Carved stone discs found on Mars and Earth, Rectangular object leaving track on Martian surface, Black triangular object photographed on Mars horizon, Missing triangular craft half buried in Martian soil, Large disc-like objects and domes found on Mars. But NASA has likewise explained these shapes as some kind of freezing/defrosting phenomenon or a part of the "bizarre geology" of Mars. That's how close NASA plays the whole UFO and Alien debate "to it's chest". Image Processing. I have found many strange anomalies in these Mars pictures. MARS ANOMALIES and BEYOND YouTube Channel Statistics. Just like most Mars Anomaly images there is always a lot of people who come and watch and have already judged the video before even watching. The Earth, Mars and Osiris-Rex Bennu Link! Thanks for Watching! These are, without a doubt, the most fascinating objects yet photographed on the surface of Mars. Or is this another case of pareidolia—finding a familiar pattern in an ordinary rock? UFO's, Water on Mars, Face on Mars, Pyramid on Mars, Smoking Gun, MENU MENU Mars Alive SEARCH . It's a complex structure that some researchers say shows walls of artificial construction. In the past, Mars could have had a nuclear war, resulting in the death of the entire planet. It appears to have a thin structure and a spiraling shape. Mars videos. So these are the possibilities: So which is it? A board to discuss Mars Anomalies. Many of the anomalies where not made by weathering or by nature, Period. Where is the stone that fractured off to create this shape? Mars Archaeology, Anomalies! While some amateur observers say that it is very likely the bone of an alien Martian animal, other suggest the resemblance to a bone is mere pareidolia—the tendency for the human brain to find familiar shapes in random formations. Pyramids, Domes, Statues, Art , Objects, Boats, Ships, Tanks, Skulls and multiple fossilized and calcified remains. Is it just an optical illusion of stratified layers in the hillside... or is this evidence of a past Martian civilization? The Hungarian scientists conclude that this strongly suggests the life cycle of some kind of plant life. By painstakingly following the long international paper trails that connect such apparently unrelated manifestations and occurrences as crop circles, alien abductions, extraterrestrial activity, and many other modern mysteries, Bruce Rux ... Note: All the images shown in this thread are not photoshopped in any way, only auto color and zoom were used. NASA. The Face of Cydonia Analogue in Hellespontus Region on Mars? Yet there is no impact crater; the meteor would have had to have been moving quite slowly to make no crater and keep its fragments in such a close grouping. Evidence through many photos of mars, martian artifact evidence through video, evidence through audio. It is estimated that they are between 50 and 80 feet in diameter. Mars Statues + Carvings. August 3, 2015. NASA finds Mechanical device on Mars ? Trump's failed attempt to . Nasa knows so much and does leak out incredible things. Trees and a formation of crystal shards found on Mars? Amanda Kooser . Who knows. Subscribe Now and get full unlimited access to exclusive content alongside Billy Carson's work, videos, conferences and discover the very best of 4biddenknowledge hidden in our Ancient past and present History today. same builders and residents? The image was discovered in June 2000 among the many images posted at Malin Space Science Systems, which has tens of thousands of Mars pictures available for online viewing and examination.At Richard Hoagland's Enterprise Mission, Sir Arthur C. Clarke (author of 2001: A Space Odyssey) is quoted as remarking about the tubes: "I'm still waiting for an explanation of that extraordinary glass worm on... [Mars]... How big is it? Hi, I’m Jean Ward. Non-anomalous Mars. No less a personage than respected author Arthur C. Clarke opined that they resemble Earth's Banyan trees. These are blow-ups and enhancements of a picture taken by one of the Mars rovers. Found insideThere are a number of Web Sites which have described numerous Mars anomalies, such as the now defunct website of Dr ... In addition, hundreds of YouTube videos have been produced by people interested in finding things in NASA images, ...

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