latitudinal diversity gradient definition

Posted on November 18th, 2021

China; endemic woody seed plants; geographic diversity; Rapoports rule; species range size; species richness, Diversity and Geographical Distribution of Endemic Seed Plants in China, Areografa: Estrategias Geogrficas de Las Especies, R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing, Help us to further improve by taking part in this short 5 minute survey, Diversity, Abundance, and Distribution of Wood-Decay Fungi in Major Parks of Hong Kong, Living in Drylands: Functional Adaptations of Trees and Shrubs to Cope with High Temperatures and Water Scarcity,, For instance, Rohde (1996) [, China extends across five climatic zones (i.e., tropical, subtropical, warm temperate, middle temperate and cold temperate) and has abundant natural resources and floral diversity [, Distribution data of plant species were extracted from the Chinese Endemic Seed Plants Distribution Database [, Given that the location records of species were georeferenced to the spatial unit of county level in the database, we used county as the basic analysis unit. as the latitudinal diversity gradient, is one of the most widely recognized patterns in ecology. For now, the debate over the cause of the latitudinal diversity gradient will continue until a groundbreaking study provides conclusive evidence, or there is general consensus that multiple factors contribute to the pattern. BIO 130 lecture 15 latitudinal Diversity Gradient. Currie et al. (2018) based on attack rates on plasticine caterpillar models (Roslin et al., 2017) or by Orrock et al. ", "Higher predation risk for insect prey at low latitudes and elevations", "Seed predation increases from the Arctic to the Equator and from high to low elevations", "Pelagic fish predation is stronger at temperate latitudes than near the equator", "The completeness of taxonomic inventories for describing the global diversity and distribution of marine fishes", "Kinetic effects of temperature on rates of genetic divergence and speciation", "The mid-domain effect and species richness patterns: what have we learned so far? The Latitudinal Gradient Project (LGP) is a framework under which several different research projects from New Zealand, Italy and the United States are operating. Some recent large-scale experiments suggest predation may indeed be more intense in the tropics, [12] [13] although this cannot be the ultimate cause of high tropical diversity because it fails to explain what gives rise to the richness of the predators in the tropics. There are latitudinal gradients in species diversity. This type of On the map, gradients and contrasts involving more than one continent are not shown; each dot may include several effect sizes calculated from the same gradient/contrast. Spatial patterns of species richness along latitudinal gradient were also investigated by parabolic regression. The results showed that the latitudinal gradient occurs in marine, terrestrial, and freshwater ecosystems, in both hemispheres. Colwell and Lees (2000) called this stochastic phenomenon the mid-domain effect (MDE), presented several alternative analytical formulations for one-dimensional MDE (expanded by Connolly 2005), and suggested the hypothesis that MDE might contribute to the latitudinal gradient in species richness, together with other explanatory factors considered here, including climatic and historical ones. Emerging large-scale datasets coupled with statistical advances have provided new insights into the processes that generate the latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG). species in richness in the tropics, declining toward the poles. The latitudinal decrease in intensity of herbivory and carnivory (zr=0.17) was fourfold weaker (QB=61.0, df=1, p<0.0001) than the latitudinal decrease in the diversity of taxonomic groups consisting of herbivores, carnivores and/or omnivores (zr=0.63; Table SM3 in Zvereva & Kozlov, 2021b). Thus, despite the immense value of hypothesis-driven science, non-hypothesis-driven research remains crucial for obtaining adequate information about our world (Betts et al., 2021; Tripathi et al., 2018). IDH is based on the following premises: First, ecological disturbances have major effects on species richness within the area of disturbance. Due to variation in the latitudinal positions of the borders between tropical, temperate and boreal forests, the attribution of study sites to climate zones was based on data provided in the original publications. Here we review two major hypotheses for the origin of the latitudinal diversity gradient. Hargreaves et al., 2019; McKinnon et al., 2010; Roslin et al., 2017) is of utmost importance for the understanding of macroecological patterns and processes, because this method avoids the impact of variations in plant/prey across multiple localities on the outcomes of latitudinal studies. Both herbivory and carnivory by ectothermic animals (represented by invertebrates and reptiles in our study) significantly decreased with an increase in latitude. We classified animals, which consume animal tissues, as carnivores, and animals that consume plant tissues as herbivores (Krebs, 2013; Smith & Smith, 2015). It is also often cast in relation to latitude. This difference was due to the poleward increase in parasitism, while herbivory and carnivory similarly (QB=0.02, df=1, p=0.89) decreased from the equator to the poles (Figure 1b). 2000. This hypothesis suggests that diversity in the temperate regions has not yet reached equilibrium and that the number of species in temperate areas will continue to increase until saturated (Clarke and Crame 2003). 7.3 times greater than the number of studies included in our meta-analysis). Although biogeography traditionally focused on plants and larger animals, recent studies have broadened this field to include distribution patterns of microorganisms. There have been multiple hypotheses proposed for explaining the EDG, none of which accurately describe the phenomenon in full. At a 3 (about 350km2) spatial resolution, less than 1.8% of the world's oceans have above 80% of their fish fauna currently described. Understanding the global distribution of biodiversity is one of the most significant objectives for ecologists and biogeographers. species diversity (richness) Definition. biodiversity gradient The gradual reduction in biomass and species numbers that occurs with increasing latitude. The number of sites in correlation studies ranked from 4 to 280 (median value: 17 sites). and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account. Myers, N.; Mittermeier, R.A.; Mittermeier, C.G. ; Sexton, J.O. Species richness for each latitudinal band was plotted against latitude, using parabolic regressions to test their relationships. Methods: We used species richness data from 245 local vascular plant floras to quantify the slope and shape of the latitudinal gradients in species diversity (LGSD) Only studies that tested the LBIH found support for it (zr=0.15, CI95 from 0.20 to 0.09, n=209), whereas other studies (both non-hypothesis-driven or testing other hypotheses) yielded no latitudinal changes (zr=0.01, CI95 from 0.11 to 0.09, n=108); the difference between these two groups of studies was significant (QB=5.50, df=1, p=0.02). Stevens, G.C. Furthermore, the detected patterns in some cases are not robust and are influenced by several biases. they lack local anti-predator adaptations) (Table 1). and Q.L. 'Landing' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. The elevational gradient in altitudinal range: an extension of Rapoport's latitudinal rule to altitude ; Kent, J. Biodiversity hotspot for conservation priorities. Species richness of a latitudinal band SppR L S 1 Here, S is the number of tree species found in all FIA inventory plots in a latitudinal band. Despite efforts by Jonathan Losos to end this habit, however, the former interpretation appears to frequently motivate scientific research. For explanations, refer to Figure, I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of Use, Insect herbivory along environmental gradients, Sources of controversy surrounding latitudinal patterns in herbivory and defense, Temporal and spatial variation of hematozoans in Scandinavian willow warblers. ; Gotanda, K.M. ; Hendry, A.P. Bernhard, H. Latitudinal and altitudinal diversity patterns and Rapoport effects in north-west European land snails and their causes. Critiques for this hypothesis include the fact that there are many exceptions to the assumption that climate stability means higher species diversity. Zuo, Y.; Kurenshchikov, D.K. 2004, 2005). [Google Scholar] The statements, opinions and data contained in the journal, 1996-2021 MDPI (Basel, Switzerland) unless otherwise stated. As early as 1807, von Humboldt provided the first formulation for . Finally, we calculated Rosenthal's fail-safe number, which shows the number of insignificant studies that are required to turn the significant mean ES into an insignificant one. a positive latitudinal gradient in seed predation, but a negative latitudinal gradient in herbivory. of Species Diversity The latitudinal gradient in species diversity is one of the most striking patterns in the distribution of organisms on the planet. Coexistence promotes diversity, and some scientists believe niches can help us to understand one of the biggest topics in ecology: why diversity varies over space. Currie et al., 2004; Willig et al., 2003) and in two meta-analyses (Hillebrand, 2004; Kinlock et al., 2018). The latitudinal diversity gradient has been considered a consequence of a shift in the impact of abiotic and biotic factors that limit species distributions from the poles to the equator, thus influencing species richness variation. This search yielded 17 publications, from which we calculated 32 ES by the method used by Hillebrand (2004) and Kinlock et al., (2018). The extent and orientation of a latitudinal gradient of marine bacterioplankton diversity is controversial. However, if data from different years were pooled by the authors (e.g. The latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG) is widely attributed to be the result of factors such as time, area, and energy. The most pervasive species-richness pattern, the latitudinal gradient of diversity, has been related to Rapoport's rule, i.e., decreasing latitudinal extent of species' ranges toward the equator. We are grateful to H. Hillebrand for providing us with the database used in his meta-analysis, to authors of several studies for supplying additional information, to S. Koutaniemi for assistance in creating the list of publications used in this meta-analysis and to three anonymous reviewers for inspiring comments to an earlier version of this manuscript. Our meta-analysis demonstrated a significant poleward decrease in the intensity of herbivory and carnivory, thus supporting the LBIH for these interactions. ; Harvey, P.H. Shrub facilitation of tree establishment varies with ontogenetic stage across environmental gradients. However, the strength of gradients located entirely within the tropical and temperate zones was similar to the strength of the gradients crossing the border between these zones. Wu, L.; Sun, Q.; Desmeth, P.; Sugawara, H.; Xu, Z.; Mccluskey, K.; Smith, D.; Alexander, V.; Lima, N.; Ohkuma, M. World data centre for microorganisms: An information infrastructure to explore and utilize preserved microbial strains worldwide. [1] progress in the field that systematically reviews the most exciting advances in scientific literature. Abstract. Variation in the latitudinal patterns of biotic interactions was also explained by differences between predation and parasitism (Hawkins et al., 1997; Zvereva et al., 2020b) and between invertebrate and vertebrate (or ectothermic and endothermic) predators (Peco et al., 2014; Roslin et al., 2017; Zvereva et al., 2019) and herbivore feeding guilds (Andrew et al., 2012; Carmona et al., 2020). [Google Scholar] Rohde, K. Rapoport's rule is a local phenomenon and cannot explain latitudinal gradients in species diversity. The study was funded by the Academy of Finland (grant 316182). The important methodological source of variation in latitudinal patterns revealed by our meta-analysis is the type of plant/prey which had been exposed at different latitudes to estimate herbivore/carnivore pressure. We use a simulation model to examine four of the most common hypotheses for the latitudinal richness gradient and identify patterns that might be diagnostic of those four hypotheses. Although these factors explain most of the variation in lowlands, they . Are microbiome studies ready for hypothesis-driven research? The ectothermic animals at high latitudes live in climates that are cooler than the animals' physiological optima (Deutsch et al., 2008). This rate was found to differ considerably between climate zones, from 0.05C per one degree of latitude in the tropical zone to 0.60C in the temperate zone and then to 1.57C in the polar zone. In spite of an accumulation of disconfirming evidence and the publication of several reviews that strongly oppose the LBIH (Moles, 2013; Moles et al., 2011; Moles & Ollerton, 2016; Poore et al., 2012), we did not find any temporal shift in the reported strength of latitudinal changes in biotic interactions. The latter included both non-hypothesis-driven studies and studies testing some other hypotheses. The correlation between the intensity of biotic interactions and latitude did not differ between Western and Eastern hemispheres for either herbivory combined with carnivory (Figure 4; QB=1.02, df=1, p=0.31) or parasitism (QB=0.88, df=1, p=0.35). Am. For other explanations, refer to Figure, The strength of latitudinal changes in the intensity of herbivory, carnivory and parasitism in relation to thermoregulation strategy of herbivores, carnivores and hosts of parasites. taxa with more species), larger organisms, in marine and terrestrial versus freshwater ecosystems, and at regional versus local scales. The metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) is an extension of Metabolic Scaling Theory and Kleiber's law. Correlation of herbivory and carnivory with latitude was twice stronger in Northern than in Southern hemisphere (Figure 4; QB=1.71, df=1, p=0.19), but this difference disappeared when we excluded from the analysis high latitudes, for which no data exist from terrestrial ecosystems of the Southern hemisphere (Figure 4; QB=0.14, df=1, p=0.70). The number of publications addressing latitudinal patterns in these interactions is sufficient for quantifying both the general pattern and the sources of variation among individual studies. ; Lang, J.M. By contrast, the strength of the biodiversity gradient did not show any latitudinal changes (Figure 6). ; Kardish, M.R. 2007) [5] [8] others report little correspondence between predicted and observed latitudinal diversity patterns (Bokma and Monkkonen 2001, Currie and Kerr, 2007, Diniz-Filho et al. ; Schwarzkopf, L.; Krockenberger, A.K. It differs from most other hypotheses in not postulating an upper limit to species richness set by various abiotic and biotic factors, i.e., it is a nonequilibrium hypothesis assuming a largely non-saturated niche space. Latitudinal diversity gradient, a decline of biodiversity with latitude (Hillebrand, 2004), has been found in alphadiversity of microbes in the terrestrial (Zhou et al., 2016) and aquatic (Fuhrman . behavioural ones) can evolve quite rapidly. The definition of the mean species range size varied across these three methods. Among different growth forms, shrubs of Chinese endemic woody seed plants had the broadest species range size and highest species richness, followed by trees and lianas. For example, Hillebrand (2004) found an increase in the strength of the diversity gradient with increasing trophic level, with a nearly twofold difference between herbivores and carnivores, whereas we found a similar gradient strength for herbivory and carnivory (Figure 1). ; Lee, P.F. As early as 1807, von Humboldt provided the first formulation for . was among the 25 key research themes for the future identified in 125th Anniversary issue of Science (July 2005). Our database is dominated by studies of herbivory and carnivory imposed by ectothermic animals (66.2% of all data; 89.9% of herbivory data), which showed the strongest decrease with the increase in latitude compared with endotherms and parasitoids. Higher evolutionary rates in the tropics have been attributed to higher ambient temperatures, higher mutation rates, shorter generation time and/or faster physiological processes (Rohde 1992, Allen et al. [5]. The vast majority of studies exploring latitudinal patterns in biotic interactions employed sites located at about the same (usually low) elevations. However, the gradient in biodiversity was fourfold stronger than the gradient in biotic interactions, indicating that either these two gradients are shaped by different factors or these two response variables have different sensitivity to latitudinal changes in the same factor. We found that herbivory and carnivory measured on standardised prey, including non-native plant species/genotypes (Lu et al., 2019) or their seeds (Chen et al., 2017; Hargreaves et al., 2019), plasticine insect models (Roslin et al., 2017; Zvereva et al., 2019), non-native live insect prey (Jeanne, 1979) and artificial bird nests (McKinnon et al., 2010), yield stronger latitudinal patterns than are obtained when predation is measured on natural prey, at least for ectothermic consumers. At the same time, contrary to expectations, the strength of the latitudinal gradients significantly (and robustly) increased at latitudes above 5060 (depending on continents), and the global latitudinal pattern in the intensity of biotic interactions emerged mostly due to studies conducted in subpolar and polar regions. the lists of species at specific locations) are complete. Third, moderate ecological scale disturbances prevent interspecific competition. 2006; Dunn et al. The latitudinal gradient in species richness may be paralleled by a similar gradient of increasing functional diversity towards the tropics if tropical species occupy more specialized niches than temperate species [11, 12]. Addo-Fordjour, P.; Anning, A.K. Similarly, the overrepresentation of studies conducted within the temperate zone corresponds to the proportion of this zone on Earth (47%: Romanova et al., 2015). This is accomplished by considering the geographic distribution of individuals in light of genetics, particularly population genetics. If the latter interpretation is employed, then phylogenetic niche conservatism can be seen as an extreme case of phylogenetic signal, and implies that the processes which prevent divergence are in operation in the lineage under consideration. (IF 3.573) 19- 21, 26- 28 Closer analysis of methodology, diagnostic criteria used, and the inclusion of possible missed cases have all tended to bring most prevalence rates within . You are accessing a machine-readable page. Although the real sampled area of 4 subplots in each inventory plot is ~ 672.5 m 2, each inventory plot spreads out across . This hypothesis proposes the higher the net primary productivity the more individuals can be supported, and the more species there will be in an area. Our meta-analysis has demonstrated a significant, although small (sensu Cohen, 1988), poleward decrease in the intensity of the explored biotic interactions. The search was completed in December 2020. We also increased the number of ESs from high latitudes by dividing data from several global studies (Hargreaves et al., 2019; Kozlov et al., 2015; Peco et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2016) into climate zones and calculating the correlations within these zones. 2006; Bokma and Monkkonen 2001, Diniz-Filho et al. The full text of this article hosted at is unavailable due to technical difficulties. Jetz and Rahbek 2001, Koleff and Gaston 2001, Lees and Colwell, 2007, Romdal et al. Latitudinal Gradient Introduction This Earth has a varied biome incidence in certain patterns and processes and the broadest pattern that a geographical survey should delve into to determine and explain successfully the species diversity across the different biomes is the latitudinal gradient in species richness. ; Stachowicz, J.J. Global-scale structure of the Eelgrass microbiome. Overall, these results highlight the need for more studies on the importance of species interactions in driving global patterns of diversity. The previous meta-analysis by Moles et al. The relationship between species richness and latitude was negative. Cardillo, M.; Dinnage, R.; Mcalister, W. The relationship between environmental niche breadth and geographic range size across plant species. By David R Greenwood. Consequently, only some of our hypotheses concerning the sources of variation in the LBIH have been supported by our meta-analysis of herbivory, carnivory and parasitism (Table 1). Evidence for Rapoports rule and latitudinal patterns in the global distribution and diversity of alien bird species. Read on to learn more about existing hypotheses that attempt to explain why this gradient exists, and how scientists may benefit from considering more than one hypothesis at a Huang, J.; Chen, B.; Liu, C.; Lai, J.; Zhang, J.; Ma, K. Identifying hotspots of endemic woody seed plant diversity in China. The point of contention is whether or not "conservatism" refers simply to the tendency of species to resemble their ancestors, or implies that "closely related species are more similar than expected based on phylogenetic relationships".

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